Funeral Care
by Memories Funeral Directors
Memories Funerals
Arranging a Funeral
The death must be registered by the Registrar for Births and Deaths covering the area in which the death occurred. The death is usually registered by an executor or family member but can be registered by the person present at the time of death; if you are unsure if you have the authority to register the death we will be able to advise you. All Registrars require you to make appointment.
When you attend your local Registrar you will need to take the following with you.
If available but do not worry if not:
- The Medical Certificate
- The Deceased’s NHS Medical Card
- Marriage Certificate or Civil Partnership Certificate
- Passport
- Driving License
- Passport
- Council Tax Bill
The registration procedure is a simple interview with the Registrar who will require the following information:
- The date and place of death
- The deceased’s full name (including any names previously used ie. Maiden surname)
- The deceased’s last home address
- The Marital status of the deceased
- The occupation of the deceased
- The full name, occupation and date of birth of a surviving spouse or civil partner
- Whether the deceased was in receipt of a state pension or any state benefits
The medical certificate shows the cause of death and is normally issued by the Doctor who attended the deceased during their last illness (This is normally in a sealed envelope addressed to the registrar and is free of charge). We can advise you if you are unsure of where to collect this from. Email us on or call 0161 302 9753.
Once the death has been registered the Registrar will then issue you with Certificate for Burial or Cremation (known as the ‘green form’), giving permission for the deceased to be buried or for an application for cremation to be made.
- Certificate of Registration of Death (form BD8); issued for social security purposes if the deceased received a State pension or benefits (read the information on the back and complete and return it if it applies).
You will be able to buy one or more Death Certificates at this time. These may be required by the executor or administrator when sorting out the deceased person’s affairs.
We are always here to help when you need us
Or email:
Funeral Directors Who Care
What to do when someone dies
What to do first, the registration procedure, medical certificate explained.
What to Expect At A Funeral
We offer you this guide to answer some of the common queries people have.
Registering A Death
What you will need, The Registration Process, What Happens After, The Death Certificate explained here.
Helping With Funeral Costs
Government Eligibility, Rules around Benefits and Rules around your relations withe the deceased.
Your Local Registrars
Contact Details, Opening Times and Maps of all your local registrars, you can even Get Directions.
Funeral Choices & Prices
Funerals and the way we honour our loved ones is changing and adapting. We offer a wide variety of funeral choices to suit all.
Arranging A Funeral
Our Guide to sudden or unexpected death whether at Home, In Care, In Hospital.
Sudden Death
Our Guide to sudden or unexpected death whether at Home, In Care, In Hospital.
Dying Abroad & Repatriation
What to do if someone passes away whilst travelling abroad or oversees. How to get your loved one back home.
Funeral Extras
All our Funeral packages are tailorable, so you can keep things simple or arrange additions to suit.